Reconciliation not Compensation – The Qikiqtani Truth Commission

Reconciliation not Compensation – The Qikiqtani Truth Commission

 In Blog

Why did the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) not seek personal compensation for Inuit impacted by the colonial policies and practices documented in the Qikiqtani Truth Commission (QTC)?

  • The focus of the Qikiqtani Truth Commission was on reconciliation, not compensation.
  • When the Qikiqtani Truth Commission was formed, its mandate was “to promote healing for those who suffered wrongdoings as well as to heal relations between Inuit and the Government by providing an opportunity for uncovering all pertinent facts and allowing for acknowledgement and forgiveness.”
  • The Terms of Reference of the Qikiqtani Truth Commission specifically state that “The Qikiqtani Truth Commission cannot provide compensation, but will provide recommendations that will promote reconciliation.”
  • QIA has decided to Achieve Saimaqatigiingniq, Peace with Past Opponents via resolution RSA 15-10-17.
  • As a result, the QIA Board of Directors passed resolutions that QIA would not take the route of seeking personal compensation.
  • Qikiqtani Inuit, however, are free to seek personal compensation individually.

If interested in seeking personal compensation:

  • Consult a lawyer for legal advice.
  • A list of lawyers practicing in Nunavut can be found on the Nunavut Law Society’s website
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