RADIO SCRIPT – April 1, 2020 – QIA’s emergency COVID-19 programs

RADIO SCRIPT – April 1, 2020 – QIA’s emergency COVID-19 programs

 In Blog, COVID Post, COVID19

This is a radio script shared with our Community Liaison Officers and Community Directors to share on local hamlet radio stations. It provides updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Nunavut.

Hi all,

I am your Community Director/Community Liaison Officer for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association.

I want to share some updates on a series of new QIA emergency programs designed to help Qikiqtani Inuit in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

QIA is rolling out two programs including:

  • $3 million for Emergency Grocery Vouchers for Elders and
  • $2 million for an Emergency Harvester Initiative

Here’s some information on each emergency initiative.

The first initiative in the COVID19 – Emergency Grocery Vouchers for Elders.

These Emergency Grocery Vouchers for Elders are designed to provide short-term financial support to Qikiqtani Inuit Elders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s how the vouchers work . . .

QIA is working with Arctic Co-operatives to deliver the grocery vouchers.

The vouchers will be available on April 14.

The card can be picked up at the co-op store in our community.

Each Elder is eligible to pick up six $250 gift cards.

The emergency program is in place for 12 weeks.

If you pick up all six gift cards, you will receive $1,500 in gift cards.

All Inuit Elders who are 60 years and older and living in the Qikiqtani Region will be able to access the vouchers.

QIA is providing a list of Elders to each Co-op store. The list was created using information from Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Please contact QIA or your Community Liaison Officer if you turned 60 between March 20 and April 14. Or if you will turn 60 before June 30, 2020.

We want as many Elders as possible to benefit.

Gift cards can be picked up every two weeks, on the following dates:

  • April 14 and April 28
  • May 12 and May 26
  • June 9 and June 23

The gift cards are for the Arctic Co-op stores in our hamlet and can be used to buy groceries and supplies.

This emergency support is for Elders, so QIA has asked the stores NOT to give out cards to someone who is not on the list we provide.

If an Elder is not comfortable going to the store because of the risk of COVID-19 or has mobility challenges – they can call QIA staff and appoint someone else to pick up the card for them.

It would help QIA if you assign your proxy before April 10.

The second program is the COVID-19 Emergency Harvester Initiative.

The goal of the Emergency Harvester Initiative is to provide short-term financial support to Qikiqtani Inuit harvesters during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you qualify, you will get a one-time grant of $1,500 for your household.

Applicants are advised to continue following the advice of the Chief Public Health Officer and practice social distancing.

This means only going to the cabin with people who you live with and limiting contact with everyone else.

The first round of applications will be accepted on April 3.

Inuit who have a camp or cabin and transportation, including traditional camps and transportation, can apply.

Priority will be given to Inuit who are willing to spend 14 days or more on the land.

Please note that an application does not guarantee funding.

The money from this initiative can be used to cover the cost of supplies required for time on the land.

This may include fuel, food, ammunition, and other equipment used during this time on the land.

You can apply to this program by calling or emailing us. We will also have an online application that you can access on our website.

If you are approved your cheque can be sent in the mail.

We can also deposit the money to one of three Banks:

  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • CIBC
  • First Nations Bank

For more information on our programs please,


or call: 1-867-975-8383



 You can help stop the spread of COVID-19 – wash your hands often.

 Protect our community, our Elders and yourself and STAY AT HOME and KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from each other.

Stay at least 2 metres away from anyone you come in contact with.

Do NOT visit friends or family.

Do NOT arrange play dates or group sports events.

Please be kind and check-up on Elders or vulnerable friends or family members who may need help. Call them or put groceries by their door but DO NOT VISIT.

DO NOT FORGET to self-isolate if you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19.

These symptoms include as a fever, cough or trouble breathing.

If the symptoms get worse call your local health clinic. Do not go to a clinic without calling first.

We are all in this together and united we can protect our communities.

Please visit our website at for more information and daily updates.

You can also get the latest news and updates from our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Thank you very much for your time. Have a good day and stay safe.

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