Qikiqtani Inuit Association: Empowering Qikiqtani Inuit. Protecting The Qikiqtani Region.

Qikiqtani Inuit Association: Empowering Qikiqtani Inuit. Protecting The Qikiqtani Region.

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Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is the regional voice of Nunavut’s Qikiqtani Inuit and we are proud of the work we do everyday to empower Inuit and protect the Qikiqtani Region. We are happy to present our new brochure, which features great pictures, infographics, statistics and updates on our programs.

Our Mission

Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) advances the rights and benefits of Qikiqtani Inuit through protecting and promoting our social, political, economic and cultural interests; while safeguarding the land, waters and resources that sustain our communities.

Our Vision

Political and cultural empowerment, social equality, economic prosperity and a healthy environment for Qikiqtani Inuit.


QIA has over 40 programs, campaigns and advocacy priorities. Our work includes advancing Inuit interests, promoting Inuit values and protecting Inuit rights. Many of our programs offer Qikiqtani Inuit funding for projects such as cultural activities, on-the-land programs, training and daycare subsidies. QIAs programs are reflective of what we hear Qikiqtani Inuit want and need.

QIA is a Designated Inuit Organization under the Nunavut Agreement. QIA is one of three Regional Inuit Associations affiliated with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.; the other associations include the Kitikmeot Inuit Association and the Kivalliq Inuit Association.

We work closely with our partners, such as Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada, as well as different levels of government, to represent Inuit in the Inuit Nunangat, the Inuit homeland.

Almost 20,000 people live in the Qikiqtani  Region, 78 per cent are Inuit. Qikiqtani Inuit are culturally resilient and despite our experience with colonialism, our culture and language are still prevalent in our communities. Traditional values such as sharing, respect for Elders and cooperation remain central to our community life.

We empower Qikiqtani Inuit to implement Inuit-led and Inuit-driven solutions for the betterment of the Qikiqtani Region.


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