QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 6

QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 6

 In Blog

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association believes in full protection for caribou and supports the creation of protected areas in the Nunavut land use plan for this keystone species that Inuit depend on for food. At the October 2015 Annual General Meeting the QIA Board of Directors adopted a resolution endorsing full protection of caribou calving grounds in the Qikiqtani region. We want to invite the next government to do their part to protect caribou in Nunavut.

More about QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign.

Watch the other videos in QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign:

QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 2

QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 3

QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 4

QIA’s ‘It’s our vote’ campaign – Video 5

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