QIA Women’s Call in Show CBC – LIVE radio phone in show

QIA Women’s Call in Show CBC – LIVE radio phone in show

 In Media Releases

The Director and Women’s coordinator conducted a LIVE radio phone-in-show this past January on CBC. The aim was to seek input from communities regarding current challenges, issues and priorities for women in Nunavut. Our women’s representative Joanna Innualuk-Kunnuk provided opening comments for the show. The discussion focused on three areas.

i. What are the main issues faced by women in your community?
ii. What recommendations do you have that would make a difference to Women in the Qikiqtaaluk region?
iii. What programs have made a difference in your community for women?

The radio show was a success and many people phoned in to be part of the discussion. The most common theme was the need for programs that can teach traditional skills, the need for healing and the importance of economic opportunities. As a result, the women’s coordinator is currently writing proposals for women, in the Baffin region, to learn skills in preparing and sewing an amautik using only the traditional methods. The women’s coordinator is also writing proposals to develop programming on proper skin preperations. In addition, QIA is working with Pauktuutit to develop a healing program to prevent Elder abuse.

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