Iqaluit, Nunavut, September 15, 2022 – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is seeking energetic individuals to submit their names for the following boards:

Nunavut Water Board (NWB)
One Position Open – 3 year term

The Board is required, in the exercising of that licensing power, to consider any detrimental effects of the potential use of waters or a deposit of waste on other water users and to hold, where appropriate, public hearings.

The NWB has responsibilities and powers over the use, management and regulation of inland water in Nunavut and its mandate is to provide for the conservation and utilization of waters in Nunavut – except in national parks – in a manner that will provide the optimum benefits for the Canadians in general and in particular, Nunavut

This is not a full-time position; you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the NWB.

Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB)

One Position Open  4-year term

Under Article 5 of the Nunavut Agreement, NWMB’s mission is to conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat for the long-term benefit of all Nunavut residents while fully respecting Inuit harvesting rights and priorities

This is not a full-time position; you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the NWMB.

Inuit Heritage Trust (IHT)

One Position Three-year term

The Inuit Heritage Trust is dedicated to the preservation, enrichment and protection of Inuit cultural heritage and identity embodied in Nunavut’s archaeology sites, ethnographic resources and traditional place names. The Trust’s activities are based on the principle of respect for the traditional knowledge and wisdom of our Elders.

This is not a full-time position, you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the IHT.



Kakivak Grants & Loans Appeals Committee(KGLAC)

One position, Three-year term

This committee meets as needed to review appeal(s) of rejected funding applications that are made to Kakivak Association’s various programs and services. Applicants cannot be employees of Kakivak, QIA, or any of the associations or corporations controlled by QIA.

This is not a full-time position, you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the KGLAC.

Qikiqtaaluk Corporation (QC)

One Position Three-year term

QC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of QIA. QC is a for-profit development corporation whose purpose is to provide employment and financial opportunities for Inuit in the region.

This is not a full-time position, you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the QC.

Inuit Broadcasting Corporation (IBC)

One Position – 3 year term

IBC promotes the understanding of Inuit culture and language through the media industry. The IBC programming provides a cultural and communication link through which Inuit can exercise their rights and freedom of expression.

This is not a full-time position; you will receive honoraria as compensation for attending meetings and carrying out duties for the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation.

The following Joint Parks Management Committee are also seeking membership:

National Parks

  • Auyuittuq National Park Joint Planning and Management Committee – one position, until completion
  • Sirmilik National Park Joint Planning and Management Committee – two positions, until completion
  • Qausuittuq National Park Joint Planning and Management Committee – one position, until completion


Territorial Parks

  • Iqaluit Community Joint Planning and Management Committee for Iqaluit Kuunga and Qaummaarviit Territorial Parks – One position, 3 year term
  • Sanikiluaq Community Joint Planning and Management Committee for Kinngaaluk Territorial Park – One position, 3 year term
  • Nunavut Joint Planning and Management Committee – one position, 4 year term

To submit your application to any of these boards or to seek more information, please contact:

QIA’s Governance Manager

Phone: 867-975-8417


By contacting your Community Liaison Officer for further assistance, link here for specific information for your community:

You may also submit your application for any of these board through our online application form:

Deadline for all of the above is September 23rd , 2022 at 5:00PM Eastern.

 For media inquiries, please contact:

Karen Flaherty
Director, Strategic Communications
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
(P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742