QIA Seeking Applications for Community Director in Arctic Bay

QIA Seeking Applications for Community Director in Arctic Bay

 In Media Releases

Iqaluit, Nunavut, April 17, 2023 – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is seeking individuals that are interested in applying for the position of Community Director for Arctic Bay. The deadline to submit applications is May 12, 2023

The recent QIA Board of Directors meeting in January elected Jeremy Tunraluk as Secretary Treasurer, which left the Community Director position for Arctic Bay vacant. As per QIA Bylaw No.5, section 6.01.4 (b) (2) this position has less than 2 years left in its term, therefore a by-election is not required.

To be eligible to apply for this position, an individual must:
– Be an Inuk recognized under the Nunavut Agreement;
– Be a resident of Arctic Bay for at least 12 months;
– 16 year or older on May 1, 2023;
– Present a Criminal Records Check issued in the last 6 months.

If you would like more information on the scope of work for Community Directors, or you would like to submit your application for this position, please contact Karen Flaherty at 975-8398, by email at kflaherty@qia.ca or toll-free at 1.800.667.2742.

This form is also available to fill out online: https://www.qia.ca/application-form-for-appointment-community-director-of-arctic-bay/

If you do not have access to a computer, printer or application form, you can pick up a form or submit your completed application to the QIA CLO in Arctic Bay, Jack Willie, at house 113.
Selection of a new Community Director for Arctic Bay will take place during the week of May 30, 2023 at the QIA Board of Directors meeting in Resolute Bay.The next election date for the position of Community Director in Arctic Bay will take place in December 2024.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Karen Flaherty

Director, Strategic Communications

Qikiqtani Inuit Association

(P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742


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