QIA recognizes young Inuit singers and poets Becky Han’s “Nagligigakkit” wins first honours

QIA recognizes young Inuit singers and poets Becky Han’s “Nagligigakkit” wins first honours

 In QIA in the News

Becky Han, who won the 2016 Qilaut song contest, is this year’s winner of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association’s competition for song- and poetry-writing. (FILE PHOTO)

QIA recognizes young Inuit singers and poets

Becky Han’s “Nagligigakkit” wins first honours


Three young Qikiqtani Inuit saw their talents recognized this past week when the Qikiqtani Inuit Association announced the winners of its Inuktitut song and poem contest.
The contest, which was part of the QIA’s Inuktitut Language month activities in February, solicited entries from all over the region.
“I am proud to see this showcase of cultural and linguistic pride and talent from Inuit in our Qikiqtani communities,” said QIA’s president, P.J. Akeeagok, in a release. “These songs and poems are a testament to the connection of young people to Inuktitut.”

Becky Han, originally from Arctic Bay, received the first prize award of $400.

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Read more here.

Watch, read and listen to the winners here.

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