QIA pledges $100,000 for Men’s Transitional Housing project in Iqaluit

QIA pledges $100,000 for Men’s Transitional Housing project in Iqaluit

 In Media Releases

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is pleased to announce a conditional $100,000 pledge for the Uquutaq Men’s Transitional Housing project in Iqaluit.

In February 2018, representatives of the Uquutaq Society and the City of Iqaluit made a presentation to the QIA Board of Directors regarding the Men’s Transitional Housing project proposed for Iqaluit. The Board was moved by the presentation, and compelled to offer support.

At the May 2018 meeting of the QIA Executive Committee, a resolution conditionally pledging $100,000 toward the Shelter Project was passed.

“Lack of affordable housing and homelessness are issues affecting too many Inuit in our region,” says QIA President P.J. Akeeagok, “This project is an exciting initiative that can make a real difference in the lives of Inuit in need.”

QIA calls on other organizations to join the fundraising efforts to make this project a

For more information, please contact:
Sima Sahar Zerehi,
Director of Communications,
Qikiqtani Inuit Association

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