Iqaluit, Nunavut, June 23, 2022 – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is  pleased to be accepting applications for the newly created Qikiqtani Community Infrastructure Improvement Program (Q-CIIP).   The objective of this program is to provide financial support for the renovations and/or improvements to existing community spaces in the Qikiqtani Region.

Your committee or organization may be eligible for Q-CIIP if you’re applying on behalf of an Elders center, youth center, community hall, daycare, visitors centre, gymnasium, museum, community freezer space, food bank or radio station.


The funds you receive from this program can cover the costs of lumber, labour for renovation, improvement of shared community spaces, technical supports such as architectural and or engineering design or project management services.


You can also contact Seepoola Noble, Manager, Grants and Contributions at or 975-8438 for further clarification.


Funding from this program comes from the Government of Canada’s Indigenous Community Support Fund.


For media inquiries, please contact:


Karen Flaherty
Director, Strategic Communications
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
(P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742