QIA Marks Tragic Anniversary in Resolute Bay

QIA Marks Tragic Anniversary in Resolute Bay

 In Media Releases

It was one year ago today that First Air flight 6560 crashed on approach to Resolute Bay. It was a devastating tragedy that not only affected the people of the north, but people across Canada and the international community. Today, on the anniversary of this accident, QIA joins with the people of Resolute Bay, Yellowknife, and all Canadians in remembering those who died.

“We were all affected by the plane crash, but as we have always done, we came together as a community to help those who lost family, friends and loved ones that day. Now, one year later, we come together again to remember those who were lost and to help those still grieving,” said President Okalik Eegeesiak.

Memorial services will be held in Resolute Bay and Yellowknife today. The thoughts and prayers of QIA’s Executive, Board, and staff and everyone in the Qikiqtaaluk region will be with those at the services.

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For further information, please contact:

Craig Welsh
Director of Communications
Tel: (867) 975-8416
Fax: (867) 979-3238

E-mail: cwelsh@qia.ca

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