QIA Distributes Final Household Distribution of Vouchers

QIA Distributes Final Household Distribution of Vouchers

 In Media Releases

Iqaluit, Nunavut, January 9, 2023 – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) today announced the distribution plan for the final Qikiqtani Inuit Household Distribution to Inuit family units. Each family unit in the Qikiqtani region will receive a one-time, $500 voucher.

All Qikiqtani residents will need to fill in the online application form linked here, call or email with your household information. If you do not have a permanent physical address, you will need to contact your QIA CLO to provide your information.

In Iqaluit, delivery of vouchers will begin the week of January 30th by staff at Tukisigiarvik, once the information has been verified.

In other Qikiqtani communities, the vouchers will be equally split between Arctic Co-operative Limited and the North West Company, except in the communities where there is only one vendor and available for pick up starting on January 30th

Households with multiple family units are eligible for more than one voucher, please fill out the website form or contact your local CLO for confirmation.

The deadline to apply for the Household Distribution of vouchers is January 27th, 2023. If you have questions on the distribution in your community, please contact your CLO. In Iqaluit, please contact Oolana Nuqingaq at 867-975-8449 or onuqingaq@qia.ca.

The QIA Executive Committee approved the Emergency Vouchers for Elders and the Qikiqtani Inuit household distribution program in October of 2022, totalling 3.7 million in COVID-19 funding. The funds for the QIA COVID-19 response plan come from the Indigenous Community Support Fund from the Government of Canada.

For media inquiries, please contact: Karen Flaherty Director, Strategic Communications Qikiqtani Inuit Association (P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742


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