QIA Board to hold additional talks with impacted communities on Baffinland’s proposal for expansion of mine

QIA Board to hold additional talks with impacted communities on Baffinland’s proposal for expansion of mine

 In Media Releases

Iqaluit, Nunavut – January 18, 2020 – After three days of concentrated meetings the Qikiqtani Inuit Association’s (QIA) Board of Directors has decided that it requires additional information and feedback from impacted communities before it can reach a final decision regarding Baffinland’s Phase 2 Proposal for expansion of the Mary River project.

“Our Board wants to ensure that we have all the information before making our final decision regarding the expansion of the Mary River mine,” says QIA President P.J. Akeeagok, “Ultimately, we want to ensure that the decision we make results in the best outcomes for Qikiqtani Inuit, specifically those communities impacted by this proposal.”

This past week’s meeting followed months of discussions with impacted communities and stakeholders on the Mary River Phase 2 Proposal. In the past

three days the board conducted full and productive discussions with informative presentations from several of the impacted communities.

The QIA Board received formal written or oral feedback from the mayors and the chairs of Hunters and Trappers Organizations in each impacted community

Specifically, the Mittimatalik Hunters and Trappers Organization (MHTO) and the Hamlet of Pond Inlet provided in-person presentations at the board meeting. The QIA Board also received presentations through Zoom from the Hunters and Trappers Organizations and Hamlets of Igloolik and Sanirajak as well as from the Ikajutit Arctic Bay Hunters and Trappers Organization. Finally, all letters received by QIA from impacted communities such as the Hamlet and Hunters and Trappers Organizations of Clyde River were also reviewed.

QIA provided funding to assist communities to prepare their own feedback related to Baffinland’s Phase 2 Proposal including reviewing the Inuit Certainty Agreement.

Early this week, QIA staff will be reaching out to the community of Pond Inlet to further discuss the community’s position on the Mary River Phase two proposal. The QIA Board of Directors expects to reach a decision before the commencement of NIRB’s final public hearing.

For more information, please contact:

Will Hopkins,
Acting Director of Communications,
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
867.975.8413 or

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