QIA Announces New Executive Committee

QIA Announces New Executive Committee

 In Media Releases

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) Board of Directors announces a new QIA Executive Committee. The Board has re-elected Levi Barnabas of Arctic Bay to the Executive Committee and added new members Olayuk Akesuk from Kinngait and Rita Mike of Pangnirtung.

The role of the QIA Executive Committee is to act on behalf of the QIA Board in all matters as permitted by law. The Executive Committee oversees the work of the QIA President and the work of the Executive Director and ensures that the overall QIA board direction is followed.

“I am pleased to say there was quite a bit of interest for the three vacant executive positions which indicates the good work will continue,” said President Okalik Eegeesiak.

In QIA’s general election last month, Mr. Barnabas was elected to his 2nd term on the Board of Directors. Mr. Akesuk, who was re-elected to serve a second term as Community Director of Kinngait, gains a promotion on the board of directors. Ms. Mike has served on the board as a Community Director for two terms.

The Executive Committee includes Okalik Eegeesiak as President, George Eckalook is Vice President, and Joe Attagutaluk as Secretary-Treasurer. The President, Vice-President and the Secretary-Treasurer positions are all elected region-wide and the Executive members at-large are elected by Inuit in their respective communities and then appointed or elected by the Board to the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee’s next meeting will discuss and decide upon Chairmanships to both Kakivak Association and Qikiqtaaluk Corporation. The terms of the Executive lasts until the end of the incumbent’s elected terms.

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