PSA: Qikiqtani Inuit Association Elections

PSA: Qikiqtani Inuit Association Elections

 In Media Releases

EVENT: Qikiqtani Inuit Association elections

DATE OF EVENT: December 12, 2016

On Dec. 12, polling stations will be open in all Qikiqtani communities for any eligible Inuit wishing to vote in the Qikiqtani Inuit Association elections.

The advance polls for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association election had an increase of more than 75 per cent in voter turnout than advance polls in 2014.

The top position open in this election is vice president with incumbent Larry Audlaluk from Grise Fiord running against Olayuk Akesuk from Kinngait.

The position of community directors for Arctic Bay, Kinngait, Pangnirtung, Qikiqtarjuaq, and Resolute Bay are also in the running.

Inuit who are unable to go to one of the polling stations and would like to vote can do so by having their vote cast by proxy.

Any eligible voter who is not on the voters list, can still vote by signing a Declaration of Eligibility at the polling station.

The location of polling stations in the Qikiqtani region:

  • Arctic Bay – Community Hall
  • Kinngait – Community Hall
  • Clyde River – Parish Hall
  • Grise Fiord – Community Hall
  • Sanirajak – Hamlet Chambers
  • Igloolik – Hamlet Chambers
  • Iqaluit – Parish Hall and Apex Abe Okpik Hall
  • Kimmirut – Council Chambers
  • Pannirtuuq – Community Hall
  • Pond Inlet – Community Hall
  • Qikiqtarjuaq – Community Hall
  • Resolute Bay – Hamlet Chambers
  • Sanikiluaq – Hamlet Chambers

For more information, please contact:

Office of the CRO

c/o Ayaya Communications, Nadia Ciccone

(867) 979.1484 ›

(867) 222-1484

Adamee Itorcheak

Chief Returning Officer

(867) 222-5549


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