PSA: QIA’s community meetings on renegotiation of Mary River IIBA

PSA: QIA’s community meetings on renegotiation of Mary River IIBA

 In Media Releases


DATE ISSUED:  March 28, 2018

EVENT: QIA’s community meetings on renegotiation of Mary River Inuit Impact and Benefits Agreement

EVENT DATES: Wednesday April 4, 2018 to Thursday, April 12, 2018

LOCATIONS:  Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Pond Inlet, Sanirajak, Clyde River

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is hosting a series of community meetings and information sessions to gather input from Qikiqtani Inuit on the renegotiation of the Inuit Impact Benefits Agreement (IIBA) between QIA and Baffinland Iron Mine Corp.

From April 4 to April 12, QIA’s team led by Eva Aariak, IIBA Chief Negotiator and George Qulaut, Co-Negotiator for the Qikiqtani Inuit Association’s Mary River Project will visit – Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Pond Inlet, Sanirajak, Clyde River – the five communities impacted by the mine.

These community gatherings will include special meetings with the hamlet councils, hunters and trappers organizations (HTO), Community Land and Resource Committees (CLARC) as well as public gatherings for community members.

Article 22.2 of the IIBA between Baffinland and QIA, states that an IIBA review takes place every three years for potential amendments and improvements to the agreement.

Based on this review, certain articles in the IIBA can be renegotiated, as noted in article 22.4.

These community meetings will be an opportunity for Inuit to provide input and insights to QIA on the IIBA renegotiation for the Mary River Project.

Schedule of community meetings:

April 5 – Igloolik:

9am to 5pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC

7pm to 9pm: Public meeting at Community Hall

April 6 and 7 – Arctic Bay:

April 6, 1pm to 5pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC  at Tangmaarvik Hotel

April 7, 7pm to 9pm: Public meeting at Community Hall

April 9 and 10 – Pond Inlet:

April 9, 9am to 5pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC

April 9, 7pm to 9pm: Public meeting at Sauniq Hotel Boardroom

April 10, 9am to 4pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC

April 11 – Sanirajak:

9am to 5pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC

7pm to 9pm: Public meeting at Community Hall

April 12 – Clyde River:

1pm to 5pm: Meetings with hamlet council, HTO and CLARC

7pm to 9pm: Public meeting at Community Hall

This schedule is subject to change due to weather, mechanical issues and other logistical problems.

For more information, please contact:

Sima Sahar Zerehi,

Director of Communications,

Qikiqtani Inuit Association


É(867) 975.8413


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