In Media Releases

DATE ISSUED: March 18, 2021

The Nunavut Impact Review Board has asked QIA to select community representatives to participate in the NIRB meetings that will take place April 12th to 21st in Iqaluit. QIA is being asked to select people who represent women, youth, and elders. The Hamlet and HTO in impacted communities will also select community representatives for the NIRB meetings.
Six community representatives will be selected from Pond Inlet and three community representatives will be selected from the following communities: Arctic Bay, Clyde River, Igloolik, Sanirajak, Grise Fiord, and Resolute Bay.

Community representatives should meet the following criteria:

  • You are a Qikiqtani Inuk enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement and live in one of the impacted communities.
  • You are able to travel to Iqaluit and attend each day of the NIRB meetings, including April 12-21, 2021, and orientation meetings via Zoom or teleconference beginning April 9, 2021. There will be evening and weekend sessions.
  • You are 18 years of age or older
  • Preference will be given to youth (aged 18-30 years old), elders, and women
  • Preference will be also given to people who are knowledgeable about their community, about the lands and waters nearby, and about Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, and to people who have experience with the NIRB process and Baffinland’s Phase 2 proposal.

QIA is seeking persons who are knowledgeable and can contribute positively to the NIRB process, regardless of whether or not they support the Phase 2 Proposal. Community representatives are chosen to ensure community voices and different perspectives are heard by NIRB. Community representatives do not represent QIA or their Hamlet or HTO – these groups already have representatives at NIRB.

The NIRB will cover costs for your travel, accommodations, and meals. QIA will provide honorarium for those selected to attend the Public Hearing.

If you are interested in being a community representative, please contact your QIA Community Liaison Offer. Please provide your name, age, and how you fit the criteria listed above. Please note that for the purposes of being selected as a youth representative, you should be between 18 and 30 years of age. Interpretation services will be provided throughout the NIRB Public Hearing.

The deadline for applications is Thursday April 1, 2021.

For more information, please contact:
Richard Paton
Director IQ & Engagement

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