PSA: Gathering information for QIA’s Inuit Labour Pool Database, Tuttarvik

PSA: Gathering information for QIA’s Inuit Labour Pool Database, Tuttarvik

 In Media Releases

DATE ISSUED: October 6, 2017

EVENT: Gathering information for QIA’s Inuit Labour Pool Database, Tuttarvik

DATE: October 10, 2017 to November 29, 2017

LOCATIONS: Sanirajak, Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Clyde River and Pond Inlet

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is launching a new Inuit Labour Pool Database called Tuttarvik for Inuit in the five communities impacted by the Mary River Project.

The Tuttarvik database is available for any Inuit in Sanirajak, Igloolik, Arctic Bay, Clyde River and Pond Inlet looking for a new job or interested in improving their resume.

QIA’s new website, Tuttarvik, will automatically create a resume for anyone registered and link them to new and upcoming job opportunities across the Qikiqtani region.

Additionally, those registered with Tuttarvik, will be eligible to participate in training and education opportunities, including skills training, apprenticeships and university programs.

Starting October 10th, 2017, QIA will be visiting the five impacted communities to give information sessions on our new website and to help create profiles for Inuit who attend.

QIA’s community visit schedule:

Arctic Bay October 10-12

Community Centre

October 10th – 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

October 11th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

October 12th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

Northern Store

October 11th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

Pond Inlet October 16-18

Community Centre

October 16th – 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

October 17th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

October 18th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

Hotel Board Room

October 17th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

October 18th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

Clyde River November 6-8

Community Centre

November 6th – 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 7th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 8th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

Parish Hall

November 7th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 8th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

Sanirajak November 13-15

Community Centre

November 13th – 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 14th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 15th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

HTO Office

November 14th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

November 15th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

Igloolik November 27-29

Hamlet Office

November 27th – 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 28th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

November 29th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m and 7:00p.m to 9:00p.m

Northern Store

November 28th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

November 29th – 1:00p.m to 5:00p.m

The Community visit schedule is subject to travel restrictions and weather delays.

For more information, please contact:

Sima Sahar Zerehi,

Director of Communications,

Qikiqtani Inuit Association

(867) 975.8413


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