PSA – Call for Applications

PSA – Call for Applications

 In Media Releases

DATE ISSUED: February 9, 2021
EVENT: Call for Applications; QIA social policy committee; Kakivak Association Grants and Loans Appeals Committee; Nunavut Wildlife Management Board; various National, territorial and park planning committees.

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is looking for Inuit to fill various board and committee positions. To be considered, please submit your resume and cover letter to QIA.

QIA Social Policy Committee

  • Elders representative (one position, three-year term)
  • Women’s representative (one position, three-year term)
  • Men’s representative (one position, three-year term)

The QIA Culture and Community Initiatives Committee (CCIC) receives its mandate from the QIA Board of Directors. The Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Board of Directors on social and cultural issues and programming needs in the Qikiqtani Region. The CCIC is comprised of five core Members and is supported by the Department of Social Policy through the Director.

Kakivak Association Grants and Loans Appeals Committee (one position, three-year term)

This committee meets as needed to review appeal(s) of rejected funding applications that are made to Kakivak Association’s various programs and services. Applicants cannot be employees of Kakivak, QIA, or any of the associations or corporations controlled by QIA.

Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) (one position, four-year term)

The NWMB mission is to conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat for the long-term benefit of all Nunavut residents while fully respecting Inuit harvesting rights and priorities.

 The following parks positions are also vacant:


Territorial Parks:

  • Sylvia Grinnell & Qaummaarviit Territorial Park (Iqaluit)- 1 position, 3-year term
  • Katannilik Territorial Park (Kimmirut) – 1 position, 3-year term
  • Napaartulik Territorial Park (Grise Fiord) – 3 positions, 2-year term
  • Agguttinni Territorial Park (Clyde River) – 1 position, 3-year term
  • Kinngaaluk Territorial Park (Sanikiluaq) – 2 positions, 3-year term

National Parks


  • Quttinirpaaq (2 positions, until completion of management plan)
  • Aujuittuq (2 positions, until the completion of the management plan)
  • Qausuittuq (2 position, until the completion of the management plan)
  • Sirmilik (1 positions, until the completion of the management plan)

Park Planning Teams:

  • Qausuittuq (1 position, until the completion of the management plan)
  • Quttiniqpaaq (1 position, until the completion of the management plan)

QIA wishes to ensure complete Inuit participation in the implementation of the Nunavut Agreement. As such, QIA has implemented an open and accountable process for considering qualified candidates. Please note that a criminal records check may be required for some appointments/nominations.

Please submit a detailed resume and cover letter, in Inuktitut or English, stating which position you are applying for, by February 22, 2021

Qikiqtani Inuit Association

P.O. Box 1340
Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0
Ph: (867) 975-8400
Fax: (867) 979-3238
Toll Free: 1-800-667-2742

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