Policy Matters: Navarana Beveridge

Policy Matters: Navarana Beveridge

 In QIA in the News

Later this year, Canadians will vote in the 43rd federal election. Many non-profit organizations, networks, and coalitions see elections as a critical opportunity to raise relevant public policy issues. Recently, the rules for charities engaging in public policy have become a prominent source of debate and discussion in government and the sector. As we countdown to the next election, The Philanthropist is asking non-profit leaders what public policy issues are top of mind for them.

Name and organization: Navarana Beveridge, Qikiqtani Inuit Association

What issues would you like to bring more attention to in the election? 

Inuit are still living the legacy of colonialism. Our communities are disproportionately impacted by income disparity, lack of housing, and inadequate access to healthcare, to name a few. These factors create barriers to achieving social and economic success. 

To turn the tide, we must address the disparity between the North and the south and invest in the Inuit Nunangat. The Government of Canada’s Arctic Policy Framework offers an opening for a dialogue on what is needed for a better future. At Qikiqtani Inuit Association, we have engaged in this dialogue advocating for long-term, adequate, stable funding that can start to bridge the social and economic gaps. 

Read full article here

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