Peaceful Demonstration: Embracing Our Healing

Peaceful Demonstration: Embracing Our Healing

 In Media Releases

On March 15, 2010, QIA organized peaceful demonstrations for the communities of Iqaluit, Clyde River and Panniqtuuq. The purpose of the demonstrations was to protest the Federal Government’s decision to discontinue the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (AHF) funds. The Aboriginal Healing Foundation was established ten years ago to facilitate the healing of Inuit who have felt the effects as a residential school survivor directly or indirectly. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, the Tukisigiarvik centre in Iqaluit, Pujualussait in Panniqtuuq and Ilisaqsivik Society in Clyder River have made tremendous positive impacts in addressing social issues in the Qikiqtani region by funding healing, counseling, substance abuse, addictions, crime prevention and cultural programs.

These programs that were designed by Inuit for Inuit have saved all levels of governments time and resources, not just in monetary terms, but in terms of positive impact the programs have for the social, cultural, and economic well‐being of Inuit. It does not make any sense to discontinue the Aboriginal Healing Foundation. The Federal Government apology to residential school survivors means nothing if the Federal Government is going to pull funding from such essential and unique programs. Help QIA get the message across and contact the Nunavut MP’s office regarding this matter:

Leona Aglukkaq
Nunavut MP
Tel: (867) 979 4193; Toll free: 866 267 7701 e-mail

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