New Assistant Executive Director

New Assistant Executive Director

 In Media Releases

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) is pleased to announce the appointment of PJ Akeeagok as the new QIA Assistant Executive Director.

PJ brings great strength in management and communication to the QIA organization. Through Mr. Akeeagok’s leadership, QIA will be working to advance important organizational changes and enhance the organizations communications and administrative capabilities.

Mr. Akeeagok was most recently the Assistant Director of Communications for NTI. In addition to this professional experience, PJ has also worked for NTI’s Social/Cultural Department. Mr. Akeeagok brings his experiences as a project coordinator at ITK to the new role of Assistant Executive Director. PJ has worked as a QIA Community Liaison Officer in his hometown of Grise Fiord.

As part of his new role within QIA Mr. Akeeagok will be taking on responsibilities for QIA administration, information technology, translation, leadership of the Community Liaison network, as well as fundamental elements of organizational policy and procedure.

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David Joanasie
Communications Manager
(867) 975-8414

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