MEDIA RELEASE: Kakivak launches $1.5M COVID-19 Business Relief and Wage Subsidy Programs with support from QIA

MEDIA RELEASE: Kakivak launches $1.5M COVID-19 Business Relief and Wage Subsidy Programs with support from QIA

 In COVID Media, COVID19, Media Releases

Iqaluit, Nunavut – April 15, 2020 – With support from the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA), Kakivak Association has allocated $1.5 million to create two new temporary COVID-19 programs to help address the needs of the smallest, most vulnerable Inuit- owned businesses in the Qikiqtani Region, and to help ensure that Inuit remain employed.

The $1 million Qikiqtani COVID-19 Emergency Wage Subsidy Program will provide urgent wage subsidies to assist struggling businesses in the Qikiqtani Region avoid the lay-off of Inuit employees.

The $500,000 Qikiqtani COVID-19 Business Relief Program will provide small Inuit-owned businesses in the Region direct support for operating expenses to enable them to survive the negative impacts of the pandemic.

“Small Inuit-owned businesses are the backbone of our local economy in the Qikiqtani Region, we have to leverage our resources to help them survive and continue to employ Inuit during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says QIA President, P.J. Akeeagok, “we are proud to support small businesses that provide employment and services in our communities.”

“We are thinking of creative ways to offer Inuit-owned businesses the support they need to transition through these difficult times,” says Joe Attagutaluk, Chair, Kakivak, “we are using money, under Inuit control to help Inuit-owned businesses.”

The Qikiqtani COVID-19 Emergency Wage Subsidy Program will provide up to $20.00 per hour for each employee that would be laid off without the subsidy. There is also up to $1,500 available for training per employee for businesses who use this time to bolster their staff’s skills.

The Qikiqtani COVID-19 Business Relief Program will provide non-repayable contributions of up to $25,000 for each eligible applicant.

Businesses that have been forced to lay-off staff, close, or have a significant decrease in revenues can apply for one or both programs to help maintain their operations and staff for the period commencing March 15 to June 30.

In order to be considered for support applicants must be able to demonstrate the need for assistance by providing details on the current status of their business as well as information about the normal fixed operating costs of their business, such as:

  • Wages
  • Rent
  • Heat
  • Electricity
  • Communications
  • Licenses and insurance

Each applicant must submit the completed application forms as well as the required supporting documentation.

The money for the Qikiqtani COVID-19 Emergency Wage Subsidy Program comes from Kakivak’s existing wage subsidy program funded through the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program agreement.

The funding for the Qikiqtani COVID-19 Business Relief Program comes from a reserve of unspent Sivummut Funds transferred to Kakivak by QIA.

The application forms are available at:

Qikiqtani COVID-19 Emergency Wage Subsidy Program

The Qikiqtani COVID-19 Business Relief Program


For more information, please contact:


Qikiqtani Inuit Association:

Sima Sahar Zerehi, Director of Communications,

Qikiqtani Inuit Association




Kakivak Association:




Wage Subsidy Application:

Wage Subsidy Guidelines:

Business Relief Application:

Business Relief Guidelines:

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