Iqaluit Waterways Clean Up

Iqaluit Waterways Clean Up

 In Blog

NOTE: The Iqaluit Waterways Clean Up will be rescheduled to Wednesday, September 4

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association and the City of Iqaluit are collaborating to inspire community members and businesses to keep our waterways clean. Iqaluit’s waterways, creeks, rivers, ocean, and beach front areas are important to the overall health, safety and well-being of our community.

QIA staff will join the event on Friday, August 30 2019, and we encourage other residents of Iqaluit to do the same. Meet us behind the Elders Qammaq at 9:00am to check in, coordinate clean up locations, and pick up gloves and supplies. Here is the schedule for the day:

  • Friday, August 30, 2019
  • 9:00 check in behind the Elders Qammaq
  • 12:00 BBQ lunch for participants
  • 3:00 Cake to celebrate the progress
  • 4:00 Wrap up

The Waterways Clean-up will focus on the shore front from the Coast Guard Beach to the Graveyard, Geraldine Creek from the Hospital to Frobisher Bay (Grind and Brew), nearby lakes as well as Carny Creek from the base of the Upper Base Road to the Co-op Gas Bar.

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