Highlights of The Qikiqtani Truth Commission Agreement

Highlights of The Qikiqtani Truth Commission Agreement

 In Blog

On August 14 , 2019 the Government of Canada formally acknowledged and apologized for modern-day colonial practices imposed on Inuit in the Qikiqtani region between 1950 and 1975, such as forced relocations, family separation, and killing of qimmiit.

Initial investments agreed to between QIA and the Government of Canada towards action on the recommendations of the Qikiqtani Truth Commission include:

  • $15 Million towards QIA’s Legacy Fund
  • Over $2 Million for Inuit history and governance programs
  • $2.9 Million for a qimmiit revitalization program
    • Including $100,000 in annual sponsorship to the Nunavut Quest from 2020-2027
  • OVER $1.2 Million for a travel and healing program for Inuit impacted by the Dundas Harbour relocation, and the closing of Kivitoo, Paallavvik, and south camp communities
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