Government of Nunavut: Premier Savikataaq offers congratulations on Tallurutiup Imanga

Government of Nunavut: Premier Savikataaq offers congratulations on Tallurutiup Imanga

 In QIA in the News

Premier Joe Savikataaq today released the following statement:

“Today, I extend my congratulations and support to the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) on the successful negotiation of an Agreement in Principle for the Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement for Tallurutiup Imanga.

This is a significant milestone for Inuit in the Qikiqtani region, and one that will have positive, direct impacts to residents of North Baffin.

I look forward to working closely with QIA and the Government of Canada on the process moving forward with respect to Tuvaijuittuq. Ensuring that our three parties – the Government of Nunavut, QIA and the federal government – are all involved and invested in conservation areas in the territory. We look forward to advancing the memorandum of understanding and participating in the work related to the Tuvaijuittuq feasibility study.”

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