Celebrating Akutaq Williamson-Bathory on International Women’s Day!

Celebrating Akutaq Williamson-Bathory on International Women’s Day!

 In Blog

Today is International Women’s Day. We are featuring a young athlete from Iqaluit who recently won gold medals at the Arctic Winter Games.

17-year-old Akutaq Williamson Bathory started skating 11 years ago and has attended 4 Winter games, 2 Arctic Winter Games and 2 Canada Winter Games. With the many competitions she has participated in, Akutaq has a total of 22 medals.

Akutaq says she’s motivated by the strength and support of her family. Her message to the young people is they are not alone in the world and there is a loving community to support them to remind youth to celebrate all victories in life no matter how big or small and to recognize the power and strength they hold.

Akutaq was selected as a finalist for the Loran Scholarship, worth $100,000, for four years of undergraduate studies. The foundation identifies and supports young people who have the integrity and courage to make difficult decisions, and the perseverance to work towards long term goals.  Loran Scholarships is an independent charitable organization governed by a Board of Directors working in partnership with universities, donors, and volunteers.

Her Inukshuk High School social studies project called Inuuqatigiitsiarniq is a proposal for At Risk Children and Youth in Iqaluit that are under the care of Family Services. With funding received   from the Qikiqtani Inuit Association, the proposal is becoming a reality this summer. The program will allow for space for children and young people to connect with Inuit culture, skill building with series of activities and bring in different community members.



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