CBC Radio: Solastalgia and why we long for places we once knew

CBC Radio: Solastalgia and why we long for places we once knew

 In QIA in the News

Solastalgia and why we long for places we once knew.

CBC Radio: The Sunday Magazine with Piya Chattopadhyay

“Solastalgia” describes a feeling of homesickness without leaving home, a longing for a place as you once knew it. It’s the sense that Neil Kigutaq feels as he sees climate change accelerate around his home in Iqaluit and out on the Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area, where he oversees the Inuit stewardship program. In this instalment of our ongoing language segment Word Processing, we hear from Kigutaq and Glenn A. Albrecht, the environmental philosopher who coined the phrase in an attempt to give shape to emotional transformations in the face of a changing world, and in the hopes that naming the feeling will arm us to combat it.

Listen to the radio segment here:

Word Processing: Solastalgia and why we long for places we once knew | The Sunday Magazine with Piya Chattopadhyay | Live Radio | CBC Listen

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