Call for Candidates

Call for Candidates

 In Media Releases

Notice is hereby given to Qikiqtani Inuit that an election is proposed to be held on December 10, 2018.

The following are the positions in-the running at this Qikiqtani Inuit Association election:

Region Wide                                       President

Community Director                         Clyde River

Community Director                         Sanirajak

Community Director                         Igloolik

Community Director                         Iqaluit

Community Director                         Kimmirut

Community Director                         Pond Inlet

Community Director                         Sanikiluaq

Nomination papers will be available October 22, 2018 and must be received by the Office of the Chief Returning Officer by November 2, 2018 at 5pm local time.  Fax and electronic versions accepted.

To be eligible to vote you must be a Canadian citizen, a Qikiqtani Inuit enrolled with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. and be at least 16 years old on election day.

Nomination papers available from:

Your local QIA Community Liaison Officer or:

Paul Okalik                                                     Office of the CRO

Chief Returning Officer (CRO)                  Ayaya Communications

c/o Ayaya Communications                       Nadia Ciccone/Jason Roberts

Tel: 867-222-5549                                        Tel: 867-979-1484

Email:                          Fax: 867-979-1487




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