BLOG: QIA’s Nauttiqsuqtiit and Community Liaison Officers gather in Iqaluit for meetings

BLOG: QIA’s Nauttiqsuqtiit and Community Liaison Officers gather in Iqaluit for meetings

 In Blog

Qikiqtani Inuit Association enjoyed a rare gathering of employees in Iqaluit recently.

Employees from across the region were in the capital for meetings. Nauttiqsuqtiit, or Inuit stewards, from Clyde River, Arctic Bay, Resolute Bay, Grise Fiord and Pond Inlet were training and meeting with each other.

The Nauttiqsuqtiit were created as a result of the Tallurutiup Imanga National Marine Conservation Area. Their job is to monitor the environment, help with search and rescue missions, and to harvest food and distribute it to people in their communities.

While in Iqaluit, they did some training with inReach devices, and went out on the land on snowmobiles. They were joined by Devon Manik on dogsled. He’s a young dog team driver from Resolute Bay.

Community Liaison Officers from all 13 communities in the Qikiqtani Region were also meeting.

CLOs connect community members to QIA. Anyone can go to their local CLO to ask questions about forms, funding and programs.

QIA employees have been affected by restrictions due to the pandemic this past year, like everybody else. The recent opportunity to gather and meet face-to-face felt like a welcome return to normalcy.

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