BLOG: Nauttiqsuqtiit in Pond Inlet assist in another successful search and rescue mission

BLOG: Nauttiqsuqtiit in Pond Inlet assist in another successful search and rescue mission

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Two hunters sent out an SOS this week using a Spot device. A local search and rescue crew set out to help them. Nauttiqsuqtiit Ryan Arnakalak joined, using a snowmobile provided by the Nauttiqsuqtiit program. Arnakalak also carried a Nauttiqsuqtiit Spot device, which allowed the party to be tracked back at headquarters on a computer.

Nauttiqsuqtiit Community Supervisor for Pond Inlet, Leo Maktar, stayed behind to coordinate the mission, because the local search and rescue team currently does not have an incident commander.

The search and rescue crew found the two hunters hours after they called for help. Everyone returned to Pond Inlet, and both of the hunters are unharmed and healthy.

Nauttiqsuqtiit are Inuit guardians in the five Tullurtiup Imanga communities—Clyde River, Arctic Bay, Pond Inlet, Grise Fiord and Resolute Bay. Their role is spelled out in the Inuit Impact and Benefits Agreement for the creation of the Tullurtiup Imanga National Marine Protected area. The Qikiqtani Inuit signed the agreement in 2019 with the Government of Canada.

Since their establishment, Nauttiqsuqtiit are fulfilling their roles in the communities. Assisting with search and rescue by joining the missions and lending equipment is one of Nauttiqsuqtiit’s mandates.

Nauttiqsuqtiit would like to remind community members that Spot devices are signed out at local HTO offices and to always monitor weather conditions when planning trips on the land.

Learn more about the IIBA, Tullurtiup Imanga and Nauttiqsuqtiit by exploring QIA’s website.

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