BLOG: Clyde River’s Food Bank receives donation thanks to connections through QIA programming

BLOG: Clyde River’s Food Bank receives donation thanks to connections through QIA programming

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QIA is proud to see positive community stories emerge from our work and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent 19 tons of non-perishable food that arrived in Clyde River is one example of this type of positive community story.

QIA wants to applaud, Ilisaqsivik Society, Arctic Co-ops, Kangiqtugaapik Food Bank and community volunteers for working together to provide food security in Clyde River. Our communities are stronger when working together.


QIA has worked closely with Ilisaqsivik Society and Arctic Co-op to establish a network to support Clyde River and the Kangiqtugaapik Food Bank. The 19 tons of non-perishable foods was delivered through a collaboration between the food bank and Arctic Co-ops through their work as an aviation services provider.

Throughout the pandemic, QIA partnered with Arctic Co-ops to support our Elders, by distributing grocery vouchers through our Emergency Vouchers for Elders program. However, with no Arctic Co-op in Clyde River, QIA partnered with Ilisaqsivik Society to deliver food hampers throughout the community.

Despite the challenging times this year, many community connections were created. This was largely due to QIA’s Emergency Vouchers for Elders program. We look forward to seeing other positive connections and stories in our communities.


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