QIA Speaks with Minister of Health and Canadian North at Board Meeting

QIA Speaks with Minister of Health and Canadian North at Board Meeting

 In Media Releases

Iqaluit, Nunavut, May 31, 2022 – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) Board of Directors are meeting in Iqaluit this week at the Aqsarniit Hotel and Conference Space.

Two discussions will take place around medical travel and flight schedules this week, the QIA Board is always striving to work with the Government of Nunavut and organizations the benefit the Qikiqtani region to ensure that services provided to Inuit are acceptable.

Later this morning, The QIA Board will receive an updated from the Government of Nunavut’s Minister of Health, John Main, to speak about the progress and advances that are being made in terms of Medial Travel in the Qikiqtani Region.

Tomorrow, the QIA Board will also receive an update from Canadian North to discuss the challenges faced by Inuit in communities when it comes to flight schedules and freight going into the communities.

Both updates to the board will be open to the public and streamed through the QIA Facebook site and available through ZOOM link in Inuktitut and English.

To view the rest of this weeks agenda, please visit out website at www.qia.ca


For more information, please contact:
Karen Flaherty
Director, Strategic Communications
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
(P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742


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