QIA Congratulates Pangnirtung Bowhead Whale Hunters

QIA Congratulates Pangnirtung Bowhead Whale Hunters

 In Media Releases

The Qikiqtani Inuit Association is thankful and happy for the hunters of Pangnirtung who caught a bowhead whale yesterday.

“On behalf of Inuit in the Qikiqtani region, I congratulate the Sarpigait hunting committee for a successful hunt,” said QIA President, Okalik Eegeesiak. “These events bring Inuit together and are a perfect time to celebrate community spirit and pride. I look forward to joining the celebrations this weekend in Pangnirtung!”

The maktak is currently being butchered and transported back to Pangnirtung where it will feed hundreds of people within the community as well as other communities.

Pangnirtung has rich history of hunting bowhead whales as the settlement is situated only 50 kilometers from Kekerten Island, a historic whaling station where bowhead whales were commercially harvested in the late 1800’s.

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For further information, please contact:

David Joanasie
Communications Manager
(867) 975-8414
E-mail: djoanasie@qia.ca

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